Walk In The Way Of Life — Today’s Marriage Prayer
You tell us that those who keep instruction walk in the way of life—and that’s what we want, Lord.
Teach Us To Find Contentment — Today’s Marriage Prayer
Teach us to find contentment not in what’s missing, but in the love that anchors us, the peace that quiets our hearts, and the grace that carries us through each day.
Place Everything Into Your Hands — Today’s Marriage Prayer
Today, we take a moment to slow down and place everything—our hearts, our hopes, and our plans—into Your hands. We want to commit our way to You, not halfway or hesitantly, but with full trust and open hearts.
Make Our Home A House Of Prayer— Today’s Marriage Prayer
Father, make our home a house of prayer. May our children, our friends, and even strangers who enter our home see a love that is rooted in faith.
True Strength Comes From You Alone— Today’s Marriage Prayer
In the joys and challenges of life, we often lean on each other for strength, but Lord, we acknowledge that our true strength comes from You alone.
To Speak Words That Build Up— Today’s Marriage Prayer
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer
Renew Within Us A Steadfast Spirit — Today’s Marriage Prayer
In the words of David, we pray: “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10).
A Gentle And Quiet Spirit — Today’s Marriage Prayer
A Gentle And Quiet Spirit — Today’s Marriage Prayer
The Weight Of This World — Today’s Marriage Prayer
Father, when the weight of the world feels heavy, give us the strength to carry it together. When the road is tough, remind us of the many victories we’ve already experienced as a couple and encourage us with the truth that You have brought us this far and will continue to lead us.