To Set Healthy Boundaries

To Set Healthy Boundaries – Today’s Marriage Prayer

Our Next Study Starts Soon!

I’m excited to share that our next Bible study, Discovering Joy: Not Because Life is Perfect, but Because God is Faithful, begins Tuesday February 11th.

This interactive devotional is designed to help us uncover joy, not the fleeting kind that shifts with the winds of change, but a steadfast joy rooted in the faithfulness of God and held steady by His unchanging love.

Each chapter offers a short devotional to encourage your heart, a reading prompt to guide your study, and verse maps—a unique way to help you dig deeper into Scripture. You’ll also find moments of gratitude, practical ways to cultivate joy, and inspiring stories that remind us of God’s goodness.

Each week we’ll cover three chapters of the book, for a total of five weeks. 

For more information, hop on over to the blog: Click here
Pick up a copy of the devotional at Amazon

To Set Healthy Boundaries

To Set Healthy Boundaries –
Today’s Marriage Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come to You today to ask for wisdom—wisdom to discern which friendships build up our marriage and which ones may lead us astray.

Help us to surround ourselves with those who strengthen our commitment to each other, friends who speak truth in love and encourage us to walk in grace and humility. May our friendships be a reflection of Your goodness, pointing us to You and reinforcing the unity we share as husband and wife.

Guard our hearts against influences that stir discontent, pull us apart, or lead us away from the closeness You desire for us. Give us the courage to set healthy boundaries where needed and the grace to nurture friendships that honor our marriage.

Above all, Lord, remind us that our closest friendship is found in each other. May we laugh together, lean on one another, and find joy in the love You have given us. Strengthen our marriage through the relationships we keep, and help us to be friends to each other first.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Today’s Bible Verse

He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. – Proverbs 13:20, (KJV)


Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. – Proverbs 13:20, (NIV)

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