Marriage Prayers

To Find Delight In Each Other – Today’s Marriage Prayer

Join Our Current Bible Study

Ruth: Echoes of Christ, Our Kinsman Redeemer

Over the course of four weeks beginning Tuesday, February 20th, join me as we explore the profound significance of the unknown kinsman, uncover the rich symbolism of his shoe, and connect the dots to the Ten Commandments.

We’ll look back at the lives of Biblical characters like Lot, Perez, Judah, and Tamar, seeking to understand their roles in God’s story. Questions like ‘Where does Naomi fit into all this?’ and ‘Why is the timing of these events so crucial?’ will guide our exploration, as we uncover the beauty and depth of these Biblical narratives.

Karissa is also back to bless us each week with her insightful videos. If you would like more information on our study, visit our website.

For those who’d like a copy, “Ruth: Echoes of Christ, Our Kinsman Redeemer” is available on

To Find Delight In Each Other –
Today’s Marriage Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before You today with grateful hearts, united in Your love. We thank You for the gift of marriage, a beautiful reflection of Your unfailing love for us. Lord, we pray that as a couple, we will always find delight in each other, just as You delight in us.

Teach us to laugh together, Lord, to find joy in the simple moments and to cherish the memories we create. Let our home be filled with laughter and warmth, a testament to the joy that comes from You. May our delight in each other be a light to those around us, a reminder of the joy found in love grounded in Your grace.

In our journey together, guide us to support one another’s dreams and aspirations, celebrating each victory and comforting each other in times of defeat. Help us to communicate with kindness and compassion, listening with open hearts and speaking with love.

Above all, Father, keep us anchored in You. May our love for each other be a reflection of our love for You, growing deeper and stronger with each passing day. Bind us together with Your unending love, that we may truly be a couple that delights in each other, just as we delight in You.

In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Today’s Bible Verse

Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. – Philippians 2:2, KJV


Then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. NIV

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