Marriage Prayers
The Lord Is Our Shepherd – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Surely Your goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives. As we walk together through this life, may our love be a reflection of the love You have for us.
An Opportunity To Serve One Another – Today’s Marriage Prayer
An Opportunity To Serve One Another –Today’s Marriage Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, Marriage is a wonderful gift. We pick each other up. We carry each other through tough times. We lean on each other when we need a shoulder to cry on. We embrace. We pray for each other… This structure of love and support was planned in the beginning when You said, “It is not good that the man should be alone.” And You gave Adam a wife that she might be his helper, his friend, his companion… Being married gives us an opportunity to serve one another. When one hurts, we both hurt. When one rejoices we rejoice…
You Alone Are In Control – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Our new Bible study has started! This study has a FREE option so everyone can join in. Visit my blog for details. We’d LOVE to have you join in. You Alone Are In Control –Today’s Marriage Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You, Lord, that You alone are in control of our lives. And we thank You that You are a God over impossibilities. For all of the situations around us that seem impossible, Lord, we know that through You all things are possible. For those struggling in their marriages, we ask that you strengthen their bond. For those who are unbelieving, we ask that You would draw them to…
The Courage To Follow Your Will – Today’s Marriage Prayer
People really never stop dreaming, but the sad thing is that too often couples stop dreaming together. We stop communicating about the things that are important to us, and the fears that we face.
You Have Not Left Us Alone – Today’s Marriage Prayer
You are always with us, and through Your Spirit, You have given us strength and power to live according to Your will...
Our Blessings Are Countless – Today’s Marriage Prayer
This marriage too is by Your design, Lord, created with precision, forethought, and grace. You have entrusted us with each other’s heart, to have and to hold until death do us part.