Marriage Prayers
To Delight In Your Word -Today’s Marriage Prayer
We pray that we will not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners. Instead, may we be like trees planted by streams of water, bearing fruit in its season and flourishing in your love.
Being Good Stewards of God’s Grace -Today’s Marriage Prayer
May we always seek to build each other up, speaking words of encouragement and love. Grant us the wisdom to understand and support one another, and the humility to admit when we are wrong.
You’re At Work In Our Lives -Today’s Marriage Prayer
How often do we miss those opportunities? How often do we grumble and complain when we don’t understand?
To Serve One Another -Today’s Marriage Prayer
Grant us the humility to serve without seeking recognition, to perform small acts of kindness with great love, and to support each other with a servant's heart.
A Consistent Source Of Encouragement -Today’s Marriage Prayer
Abide in us, Lord, and let Your joy be our strength. May we face each day with the assurance that You are with us, working all things for our good.
Those Who Have A Desire To Be Married -Today’s Marriage Prayer
We come to you today thinking of those who have the desire to be married. May they remain patient and faithful as they wait for the one with whom they may share their lives.