Marriage Prayers

May Our Speech Always Be Gracious – Today’s Marriage Prayer

May Our Speech Always Be Gracious

May Our Speech Always Be Gracious 
– Today’s Marriage Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

We have all been in situations where we didn’t know what to say. Maybe someone asked a difficult question, or maybe we found ourselves in a conversation that was turning negative or critical. In those moments, it can be challenging to know how to respond in a way that honors You and reflects Your love.

We ask that You teach us to show kindness, compassion, and understanding to those around us. To look for the good in each other and to speak words of encouragement and affirmation. To be honest and straightforward, but in a way that is gentle and respectful. To consider others as more important than ourselves.

When we speak with grace, we reflect the character of Christ, who always spoke with love and compassion. And when our speech is seasoned with salt, we add wisdom to the world around us and help to preserve the good that You have created.

We ask that You help us look for opportunities to encourage and uplift each other as well as those around us — to speak in a way that honors You and points others to You. May our speech always be gracious and seasoned with salt, for Your glory and our good.

In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Today’s Bible Verse

Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. – Colossians 4:6, KJV

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. – Colossians 4:6, NIV

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