Honoring God Publicly and Privately – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Guard our hearts against hypocrisy, and help us to be the same couple in private as we are in public—united in purpose, faith, and love.
Wisdom in Balancing Priorities – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Help us not to lose sight of each other in the midst of life’s noise…
Your Provision And Faithfulness – Today’s Marriage Prayer
May we glorify You in every dollar spent, saved, and given…
Full Of Grace And Truth – Today’s Marriage Prayer
In Jesus, we see Your love brought to life—full of grace and truth, living and breathing in this world.
Glory To God In The Highest
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
The Precious Gift Of Jesus – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Thank You for the example of Mary and Joseph, whose obedience to You shines as a light for us today.
That Incredible Night In Bethlehem – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Mary and Joseph must have felt overwhelmed—turned away from the inn, with nowhere to go, and then giving birth in a stable of all places…
You Brought Peace To The World – Today’s Marriage Prayer
On that holy night so long ago, You brought peace to the world through the birth of Your Son, Jesus Christ…
A Heart Of Gratitude – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Help us to be intentional in expressing our gratitude, both to You and to each other…