Bind Us Together As One – Today’s Marriage Prayer
As fresh pieces of clay, we ask that You shape our hearts so that You might blend and bind us together as one in peace.
Marriage Should Be Honoured By All – Today’s Marriage Prayer
You have never left us in the dark regarding the topic of intimacy. Through scripture, You have given us clear instructions, written Your law upon our hearts, and provided us with a conscience to guide us.
The Working Of Your Grace – Today’s Marriage Prayer
May we fully understand that grace is not simply a gift, but a transformative power that works within us, molding us into the image of Christ.
Willing To Carry Our Cross – Today’s Marriage Prayer
May we always be willing to carry our cross—to put to death the sinful deeds of the body so that we may live to Christ Jesus.
Manage Our Time Wisely – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Your Word teaches us that there’s a time for everything, and so we want to learn to take time for the important things in life.
The High Calling In Christ – Today’s Marriage Prayer
What a privilege it is to be on this journey together. Help us to be an encouragement to one another, to stay focussed on You, and not distracted by the things of this world, but to turn away from them.