Facing Important Decisions – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Guard our hearts from making decisions out of fear, pressure, or confusion, and instead, give us clarity and peace in the choices we need to make.
Like Clay In The Hands Of A Potter – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Remind us that Your plans are always unfolding, even when we cannot see the whole picture, and that in Your timing, all things come together for good.
The Courage To Follow Your Will – Today’s Marriage Prayer
People really never stop dreaming, but the sad thing is that too often couples stop dreaming together. We stop communicating about the things that are important to us, and the fears that we face.
When Life Weighs Us Down – Today’s Marriage Prayer
When one of us hurts, we both feel the pain. When one mourns, we mourn together...
You Have Not Left Us Alone – Today’s Marriage Prayer
You are always with us, and through Your Spirit, You have given us strength and power to live according to Your will...
Our Blessings Are Countless – Today’s Marriage Prayer
This marriage too is by Your design, Lord, created with precision, forethought, and grace. You have entrusted us with each other’s heart, to have and to hold until death do us part.