Peace That Surpasses All Understanding – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Bless our marriage with the fruit of Your Spirit. May love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control be ever-present in our lives.
A Sacred And Special Part Of Our Marriage – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Help us to set aside time regularly to read and reflect on your Word, and to seek your wisdom and guidance as we navigate the joys and challenges of married life.
The Example Set By Your Son – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Strengthen us, Lord, so that together we can stand against the challenges that come our way, bearing witness to Your providence and grace.
Fervent Prayer For One Another – Today’s Marriage Prayer
We ask that You instill in us a spirit of fervent prayer for one another. Teach us, Lord, to uphold each other in prayer with hearts full of faith and devotion.
To Make Today Better – Today’s Marriage Prayer
What can we do to make today better? What can we offer each other to brighten the morning, and lighten the burden of the day?
During Times We Are Apart – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Grant us patience and strength to endure the challenges of being apart — may this time act to deepen our appreciation and love for one another. May our reunion be sweet, may our hearts be filled with joy.