by Darlene Schacht | Jan 1, 2024 | To Live Self-Controlled Lives
To Live Self-Controlled Lives -Today’s Marriage Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, As we journey through this life together, may we strive to be self-disciplined. Lord, guide our steps so that we may be faithful stewards of all You have entrusted to us. Teach us to...
by Darlene Schacht | Dec 31, 2023 | As We Embark On A New Year
As We Embark On A New Year – Today’s Marriage Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, We ask that You bless our marriage with continued grace as we embark on a new year. May this year bring us closer, knitting our hearts in ever-deepening love. Guide us in patience,...
by Darlene Schacht | Dec 30, 2023 | Marriage Prayers
May We Praise You Often – Today’sMarriage Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for Your goodness to us. David loved Your Word and praised Your name seven times each day (Psalm 119:164). May we praise You often, and trust Your Word that You’ll continue to...
by Darlene Schacht | Dec 30, 2023 | Marriage Prayers
To Value Our Commitment To One Another -Today’s Marriage Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, We ask that You would help us remove any thoughts of jealousy. Help us to be content, and to appreciate the things others have instead of wishing and hoping that they...
by Darlene Schacht | Dec 28, 2023 | Marriage Prayers
Striving Together For All That Is Holy -Today’s Marriage Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, Please help us to quickly resolve disagreements in ways that are pleasing to you. Give us the ability to overcome and quench our anger. Teach us to grow in humility — to be...