A Firm And Steadfast Desire To Serve – Today’s Marriage Prayer
The more we walk in Your will, the more we delight in Your will, and so Lord we ask that You remind us of this anytime we might be tempted to veer off the path.
A Meek And Quiet Spirit – Today’s Marriage Prayer
You are the Potter, and we are the clay. In Your wisdom, You mold us, even when the process is uncomfortable or painful...
The Spirit Of Fear – Today’s Marriage Prayer
We’ve seen Your hand at work in our lives and we believe in Your unfailing grace. We know that You’re in control, regardless of what comes our way.
A Real Struggle For Many – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Choosing joy is a decision that we make every day. Some days it’s easy, but some days it takes everything that we have just to muster a smile.
To Trust Each Other – Today’s Marriage Prayer
To Trust Each Other – Today’s Marriage Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, our desire is to serve You, to glorify You, and to honor the covenant of our marriage. We are committed not only to a lifelong union but to making our marriage everything You intended it to be. Help us to trust each other fully and to be worthy of that trust. Guard our hearts and minds from temptation, and grant us the wisdom to turn away from the things of this world that could harm our bond. Teach us how to love and encourage each other daily. Give us opportunities to serve one another with joy. Forgive us for…
The Depth Of True Love – Today’s Marriage Prayer
We also see Jacob, who served Laban for seven years to win the hand of Rachel. The years “seemed unto him but a few days, because of his love for her” (Genesis 29:20). And when those seven years passed, he served another seven, driven by a love that endured all trials and disappointments.