Put On The Full Armor Of God – Today’s Marriage Prayer
You have called us to stand firm in love, unity, and strength. As we come before You today, we humbly ask for Your guidance to clothe ourselves in the full armor given to us by Your grace, that we may face every challenge and rejoice in every joy as one.
Love Perfects Faith And Brings Hope – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Your Word is true and just and wise. Your blueprint for marriage is every bit as perfect as it was on the day You designed it.
You Speak Life Into Everything – Today’s Marriage Prayer
This universe, along with every minute detail in it, is held in the palm of Your hands. We too are held in those hands, blessed by the grace of an incomparable God.
The Things That Hinder Us – Today’s Marriage Prayer
And so we ask that You transform our hearts, Lord — not just for the sake of each other, but that we might be vessels of honor and glory and grace.
Rooted and Grounded in Love – Today’s Marriage Prayer
We ask that our communication with one another would be characterized by honesty, kindness, and understanding. May we be quick to listen and slow to speak, always striving to put the needs of the other before our own.
A Lamp To Our Feet And A Light To Our Path – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Your Word is like a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. It guides us, helps us to discern right from wrong, and gives us the strength and courage to stand firm in Your love.