To Speak About Our Faith – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Equip us, Lord, with wisdom to share our beliefs in a manner that builds up, not tears down; that brings us closer, not apart. Help us to always listen with patience and speak with kindness.
Finding Time For Each Other – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Father, in those moments when we feel overwhelmed by the pressures of life, remind us that our marriage is a gift to be cherished.
An Abundance Of Blessings – Today’s Marriage Prayer
We pray for an abundance of blessings, not only for those that fill our cups but also those that enable us to pour into the lives of others.
Time Is A Precious Gift – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Time is a precious gift that You have given us. It is a reminder of the fleeting nature of life, and a constant reminder of our need to make the most of each moment.
To Cherish The Gift Of Friendship – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Remind us, Lord, that as friends, we are to uplift one another, encourage each other towards Your will, and support each other's dreams and spiritual growth.
Love Is Tested And Proven True – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Lord, we thank You for the trials, for in every difficulty, we find a hidden blessing. In every disagreement, we discover deeper understanding; in every hardship, we find stronger resilience; and in every moment of weakness, we are reminded of Your unwavering strength.