Protection Over Our Marriage – Today’s Marriage Prayer
We pray for protection over our hearts, that we may always nurture love, respect, and kindness for one another.
To Swallow Our Pride – Today’sMarriage Prayer
Grant us, Lord, the wisdom to recognize when pride casts a shadow on our relationship. Help us to seek reconciliation over victory, love over being correct.
Steadfast and Unyielding In Our Love -Today’s Marriage Prayer
Guide us, Lord, in the path of righteousness. As we grow in our love for You, may our love for each other deepen. Teach us to be quick to listen, slow to anger, and abundantly generous in forgiveness.
Choose Words That Edify One Another – Today’s Marriage Prayer
We ask for the humility to admit when we are wrong and the grace to forgive when we are hurt. Let our communication be a testament to Your work in our lives, as we grow closer to You and to each other.
Fighting a Spiritual War – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Trouble inevitably comes through those who can’t hold their tongue, won’t exercise patience, and don’t keep their vows. We want more for our marriage, we expect more from ourselves, and so we ask you to help us to get there.
The Power of Prayer – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Some days we don't have the words to express the struggles we're facing. We may not even realize the full extent of the temptations or the battles that are raging.