An Opportunity To Serve One Another – Today’s Marriage Prayer
An Opportunity To Serve One Another –Today’s Marriage Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, Marriage is a wonderful gift. We pick each other up. We carry each other through tough times. We lean on each other when we need a shoulder to cry on. We embrace. We pray for each other… This structure of love and support was planned in the beginning when You said, “It is not good that the man should be alone.” And You gave Adam a wife that she might be his helper, his friend, his companion… Being married gives us an opportunity to serve one another. When one hurts, we both hurt. When one rejoices we rejoice…
To Exercise Control In All Things – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Help us to practice moderation — putting down our phones when we’re together and closing the laptop for some face-to-face time.
Illuminated By The Truth Of Your Word – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Guide our steps, Lord, and keep us on the straight and narrow path, the one illuminated by the truth of Your Word...
To Take Our Eyes Off Of Ourselves – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Help us to take our eyes off of ourselves so we may focus on You. May we not fall for deceptive teaching or give any ground to temptations that threaten to divide us, but instead stand firm in the strength of Your Spirit.
You Alone Are In Control – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Our new Bible study has started! This study has a FREE option so everyone can join in. Visit my blog for details. We’d LOVE to have you join in. https://timewarpwife.com/living-faithfully-week-1/ You Alone Are In Control –Today’s Marriage Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You, Lord, that You alone are in control of our lives. And we thank You that You are a God over impossibilities. For all of the situations around us that seem impossible, Lord, we know that through You all things are possible. For those struggling in their marriages, we ask that you strengthen their bond. For those who are unbelieving, we ask that You would draw them to…
Facing Important Decisions – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Guard our hearts from making decisions out of fear, pressure, or confusion, and instead, give us clarity and peace in the choices we need to make.