To Stay Away From This World – Today’s Marriage Prayer
And so we come to You today asking that You would give us the strength and the courage it takes to stay away from this world...
May We Give From The Heart – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Sometimes, it’s tempting to hold tightly to what we have rather than release it—to focus on ourselves rather than others...
A Hatred Of Sin In Our Hearts – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Lord, help us to see sin for what it truly is: a barrier that distances us from You and creates division in our marriage.
To Walk In Courageous Faith – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Help us to make the most of the time we have, Lord, courageously pursuing all that is good and acceptable in Your perfect will.
You Will Provide All We Truly Need – Today’s Marriage Prayer
As we journey together, may we find our joy, contentment, and peace in You alone. Let us be reminded daily that nothing in this world can compare to the hope we have in You.
Little Things Can Make The Biggest Difference – Today’s Marriage Prayer
We have an opportunity to fill each other’s lives with love, and to express our love day after day. We have the chance to build each other up.