Hey Besties! Our next Bible study, Living Faithfully: A Journey Through James, is hot off the press and ready to go!

Unlike the recent studies we’ve done, James takes us into the New Testament, where we find practical ways to live out our faith in tangible ways.

James challenges us to put our faith into action, reminding us that “faith without works is dead” (James 2:14-26). He encourages us to seek wisdom from God, live righteously, and endure trials with patience, knowing that perseverance leads to maturity in our faith. James also teaches us about the power of our words, the importance of caring for those in need, and the necessity of living a life that reflects our faith in every area. It’s going to be a great study, and so I do home you’ll join us! 

Without further ado, pick up a copy of the study guide on Amazon, mark your calendars for September 17th, and join us at timewarpwife.com as we take this journey through James!

P.S. If you’re looking for a Bible study that you can do together as a couple at home, this one is perfect (if your husband doesn’t mind the girly front cover). 😉 

P.S.S. When you purchase a copy of the study guide, you’re helping to support our ministry, which in turn ensures that everyone has access to these Bible studies at no cost. 

The Blessing Of Intimacy

The Blessing Of Intimacy –
Today’s Marriage Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the gift of marriage and the blessing of intimacy that comes with it. We come before You today, asking for Your hand over our physical and emotional connection. Help us to cherish and honor each other in this area, seeking to meet one another’s needs with love, tenderness, and respect.

Lord, draw us closer together, not just physically but also emotionally and spiritually. Remove any barriers that may stand between us—whether it’s past hurts, busyness, or distractions—so that we can experience the closeness and unity You intended for us.

We ask for Your grace and guidance to grow in vulnerability with one another, being open and honest in ways that strengthen our bond. Help us to see intimacy as a beautiful expression of love, designed by You, and to use it to deepen the connection we share.

May our love and affection for each other reflect Your love for us. Let our relationship be a source of joy, peace, and fulfillment, drawing us closer not only to each other but also to You.

In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Today’s Bible Verse

Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. – 1 Corinthians 7:3, KJV

The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. – 1 Corinthians 7:3, NIV

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