A World That Often Feels Hostile – Today’s Marriage Prayer
We come before You, seeking Your grace and guidance as we navigate through a world that often feels hostile and uncertain. Lord, You have called us to be a light, even amidst trials and tribulations.
The True Meaning Of The Cross – Today’s Marriage Prayer
We ask that You give us the grace to understand the true meaning of the cross. May we crucify the flesh with its passions and desires that we may practice righteousness and give glory to Your name.
To Deal Wisely With Our Friendships – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Help us to deal wisely with our friendships. To discern which ones offer encouragement, and which ones are a hindrance to us.
Shaped By Faith and Filled With Joy – Today’s Marriage Prayer
We pray for a strong foundation of trust and respect to be set in place, that they may build a relationship shaped by faith and filled with joy, laughter, and love.
Storms Of Hardship And Despair – Today’s Marriage Prayer
In the midst of our joy and the blessings You have bestowed upon us, we remember those who are navigating through storms of hardship and despair.
To Value Humility Over Pride – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Teach us, O God, to value humility over pride, to choose servanthood over self-importance.