Negative Thoughts Weigh Us Down – Today’s Marriage Prayer
We have all struggled with our thoughts. Negative thoughts and emotions can weigh us down and rob us of our joy.
A Covenant With My Eyes – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Let us make a covenant with You today, that we will turn our eyes away from sexual temptation.
True Lasting Faith In Christ – Today’s Marriage Prayer
May we hold fast to a true lasting faith in Christ. One that brings peace and harmony to our marriage, and life to our souls.
Strength And Comfort From Your Presence – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Above all, Lord, fill our marriage with Your unending love and grace. In every trial and every joy, let us stand with You, drawing strength and comfort from Your presence.
Walking In Humility – Today’s Marriage Prayer
As we stand hand in hand on this path of marriage, we humble ourselves before You, recognizing that true love thrives not on pride, but on humility.
Called With A Holy Calling – Today’s Marriage Prayer
We stand before You today in hope. Not because of our own wisdom or righteousness, but because of Your love, because You determined that Your Son would be a holy sacrifice on our behalf, and that we ourselves would be crucified to this world.