Drawn to Your Word and Prayer – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Please help us take our eyes off this world and everything that pulls us toward it. For this earth is merely a place we’re passing through on our way home...
Slow to Become Angry – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Grant us the strength, Lord, to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry...
A Little Rain Must Fall – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Your word tells us that a friend must show himself friendly, and so we ask that through Your grace You help us to be pleasant and kind, gracious and loving to one another.
Managing Our Time – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Let us remember that every second is a gift from You, to be used wisely and lovingly.
Words Hold Great Power – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Words hold great power. They can be used as a means of grace — to build up and encourage, but they can also be used to tear down and destroy.
Our Commitment to Purity – Today’s Marriage Prayer
May our union glorify You, Lord, as we strive each day to live out our commitment to purity, in honor of the beautiful design You have for marriage...