No Force Can Divide Us – Today’s Marriage Prayer
We bow before You, knowing that with You at the center, no force can divide us. Teach us to love relentlessly, forgive freely, and guard our marriage with the vigilance it deserves.
For Unto You is Born This Day
And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
To Find Comfort This Christmas – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Christmas is a beautiful time to celebrate the birth of Your Son. It's a wonderful time to spend with the ones that we love. But for some, it's a painful reminder of those they have lost.
To Be Focused, Present, and Respectful -Today’s Marriage Prayer
We ask that You help us to listen well. To be focused, present, and respectful of one another. Teach us the importance of patience, understanding, and kindness so that we might communicate well.
We Have A New Nature – Today’s Marriage Prayer
It’s natural to want our own way — to live for ourselves rather than to die for each other. But we have a new nature, and our wants, our needs, and our desires should never be more important than the needs that we share as a couple.
Prayer Is The Bridge That Connects Us To You – Today’s Marriage Prayer
With humble hearts, we recognize that our strength, our hope, and our foundation lie in You. Prayer is the bridge that connects our hearts, not just to each other, but to Your endless grace and wisdom.