Our Commitment to Purity – Today’s Marriage Prayer
May our union glorify You, Lord, as we strive each day to live out our commitment to purity, in honor of the beautiful design You have for marriage...
Seek To Rebuild and Restore – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Lord, we commit our marriage and all those we hold dear to Your sovereign hands. May our journey be a reflection of Your redemptive love, and our home a place of reconciliation and joy.
Hope In Times Of Despair – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Help us to uphold one another, to be the shoulder to lean on, the hand to hold, and the voice to comfort when the other falters. Teach us to speak words of life, to be the mirror that reflects Your love and unwavering faithfulness.
To Put Away Our Pride – Today’s Marriage Prayer
In moments when pride tries to take hold, remind us of the beauty that lies in saying, "I was wrong," and the healing found in a sincere, "I'm sorry."
A Love That Mirrors Your Grace – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Help us, O God, to see beyond our grievances. Grant us the strength to love those who have become adversaries, not with a love born of our own will, but with the love that flows from Your Spirit.
Our Daily Bread – Today’s Marriage Prayer
We ask that You grant us hearts that hunger for Your Word. May it be our daily bread, nourishing our souls and binding us closer together in Your love.