Communicate With Wisdom and Compassion – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Help us to communicate with wisdom, compassion, and grace. Instead of losing our cool, or stewing in anger, teach us to step back and carefully consider our words before stepping forward again.
Forgive and Be Forgiven – Today’s Marriage Prayer
We can’t take back what’s already been said. We can’t redo what’s already been done. But we can forgive and be forgiven.
To Give Each Other Our Best – Today’s Marriage Prayer
We started out as friends. We were gentle and kind, compassionate, and determined to win each other’s hearts. We ask that You help us to live with that same passion.
Grounded In Truth – Today’s Marriage Prayer
In the same way, we want our lives to be pure. We simply can't worship You with one hand and serve sin with the other. We don’t want our lives tossed back and forth with every false wind of doctrine. We want to be grounded in truth and truly abandoned to You.
The Confidence to Walk in Truth – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
To Remain Faithful in All Things – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Give us the strength to turn away from our sin, and the wisdom to cast down this false way of thinking. Help us to remain faithful in all things and at all times.