According To Your Perfect Plan – Today’s Marriage Prayer
It’s not popular to follow a God Who calls us to walk in humility, esteeming others higher than ourselves in love, but we’re not seeking to please them. We’re seeking to serve The One who calls us to be holy even as He is holy.
Protect Our Marriage From Evil – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Help us to be vigilant, Lord, always aware that the enemy prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
To Be Trustworthy Companions – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Give us faith that we’ll hold true to our vows, and give us the strength to fulfill them. Help us to trust in the love that we have for each other, and help us to show love the way that we should.
To Recognize Empty Words – Today’s Marriage Prayer
Father, help us to recognize empty words and deceitful promises that divert our path away from You. Make us vigilant, Lord, discerning truth from falsehood, virtue from vice.
Protection Over Our Children – Today’s Marriage Prayer
May Your Spirit be their constant companion, whispering reassurances of Your love and infusing them with the strength to face whatever comes their way.
Hearts That Are Attuned To Each Other – Today’s Marriage Prayer
We recognize that genuine empathy—the ability to understand and share the feelings of another—is a cornerstone of any strong relationship. Yet, we admit that we sometimes fall short of this goal.